People ask me all the time, "how did you get into photography?" and I love sharing how. Take a minute to enjoy a quick story of the why and the how I started photography!

I have always enjoyed taking photos on my phone as most people do. I got coffee with some friends one day in 2017 and we ended up taking photos at a coffee shop. That led up to one of them asking me to come take pictures on the road for her. I was honored to know that she saw a gift in me before I did. I went out and took photos, learned how to work a DSLR camera very quickly, and began to realize photography is a gift that I had tucked away. The picture above is one of the photos from the last show on the tour, one that I'm most proud of. Its been hard work, but work that I can actually see myself becoming better after each photoshoot I do now!

Something I have learned over these short two years is that saying yes to things that may seem a little scary at first could have a huge impact on your life.

I hope you enjoy a few of my favorite photos in one spot!

(that is me to the left!)